9 Story Media Group is a leading creator, producer and distributor of award-winning animated and live action content for audiences around the world.They approached us to assist their retail partners in driving sales of the Karma’s World product range in the run-up to Christmas.


9 Story needed us to develop an approach which drove traffic to their retail partners’ sites and ultimately sales of Karma’s World products.


We used a mixture of advertising channels and formats to capture users in different environments and mindsets and to maximise available audience and shopping data. These included display advertising on Google DV360, Google Search ads and Meta Carousel ads.

Google display network had the most scale as well as targeting parameters so a higher proportion of spend was allocated there. Search ads allowed us to be front of mind for anyone searching for specific products in line with our product offering. The carousel format in Meta allowed us to show off the Karma’s World product range.

We adopted a test and learn approach to our targeting strategy throughout the campaign - optimising as we went based on the subgroups which engaged most with our advertising in the form of click throughs to the retailer sites.


Our multi-layered targeting approach worked particularly well, facilitating strong click through rates (CTRs), which were above benchmark.