Gary Pope
WE ARE 20!
2 mins

Entertainer Eddie Cantor once said that overnight success takes 20 years. I’m not sure if KI is perceived as an overnight success and if I am honest it definitely hasn't felt like we started yesterday, had a bit of a kip and now all of a sudden we’re the best thing since sliced bread. But I do know that our business and the things it does is way beyond what we could have dreamed of when we got started.

20 years ago Jennifer Blows and I decided to do it alone. We’d literally just got married, were totally skint and super excited. Absolutely no idea really what we were doing but we knew we wanted to do it. So we did. And here we are… 20 years later.

It’s been a journey and we wouldn't change it for the world. Sometimes it’s been so hard but lessons were learned, applied, shared and we’ve grown because of them. And there have been so many amazing people over the years that have supported, contributed, referred and hired us and each and every interaction has helped us move forward.

A lot can happen in 20 years. Children arrive, grow and leave home to go to university or pursue some other important dream. In effect, 20 years is a generation. And generations are the essence of family. And as we start on the next 20 years Jennifer and I are so inspired by the commitment, energy and ability of KI’s next generation. The leadership of Jelena, Raj, Amy and Russ as we take the company to incredibly new and exciting places has assured our success.

20 years is a lifetime for a business and the thing is we’re really, genuinely just getting started, we’re finally just about ready for that overnight success.

Happy Birthday KI, you are so much more than Jen and I ever dreamed of 20 years ago.

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