iSpace Wellbeing
How do you rebrand a wellbeing brand for a wide range of ages?
Key Information

iSpace Wellbeing offers an exciting whole school approach to mental health. Its curriculums provide an age appropriate framework, information on who and how to ask for help and a common language – which encourages conversations about mental, emotional, social and physical health, to become part of everyday school and home life.


Our objective was to rebrand iSpace Wellbeing to be relevant and memorable for its audience. We wanted to create a friendly and welcoming tone to ensure those interacting with the brand would immediately feel they are in a safe space – somewhere they can talk and learn about their own mental health. The brand needed to be strong and stand out in a large industry, and be relevant for a wide range of ages.


First, we set out the values our audience would want from a mental health and wellbeing brand: 

1. Make No Assumptions Every person is different. You never know what an individual feels – ensuring every person feels welcomed in a safe space is extremely important.

2. Keep it Simple The brand visuals should be gentle and not overwhelming. It should be calming in its presentation, avoiding overly bright and erratic designs that might be overwhelming to the viewer.

3. Be Friendly iSpace should feel like a friend – a safe space to learn and talk about your own mental health and wellbeing.

4. Playful Talking about mental health should be seen as a positive thing and uplifting thing to talk and learn about. 

Once we set out our brand values, we created a brand concept and brand style that encompassed the values, and that was also relevant to our audience. 

We started with the logo – we wanted it to be strong and memorable, and stand out amongst the competitors. Each letter in the name iSpace represents a full sentence “I Stop Pause And Calm Everything”. We brought this concept into our logo, making each letter contain a unique element while still being cohesive, to link to the meaning of the iSpace name. We used coloured shapes to represent a wide range of emotions and moods that can be experienced in mental health and wellbeing.

While developing the brand logo, we explored the overall brand concept. It was important that the brand was gentle and spacious, but also engaging. Building upon the colourful shapes that live within the logo, the shapes are used to form the framework of the brand – with large scale, bold usage in colourful gradients, combining the core colours found within the logo.

As part of the delivery of this project, we created a comprehensive style guide, brand elements and templates for usage across a large range of platforms.

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